Friday, February 20, 2009

Say What U Mean and Mean What U Say

Guys always say that they like a girl who says what is on her mind and tell it like it is, but is that true? What i have come to notice is that when a girl says all the good things, then he listens but when she gets to a point when she feels like she is unsure and wants to know if the guy is on the same page he doesn't say anything. If he does talk, then it would seem like he doesn't care or its BS. No matter what good or bad a girl should always say what she has to say and don't hold her tongue but at the same time don't be SO hard about it. If u don't say what u have to say to the guy then u might risk the fact that he may feel the same as u do about him. But then again he might not, he might only want to take u down. It is not bad for a girl to ask a guy out or take the initiative or make the first move. Be real with the guy say how u feel, let your intentions be known. Always know what u want and what u have to offer. If u only want to be taken down or see how good he is, then tell him. If u want a relationship, or whatever it is....SAY WHAT U MEAN AND MEAN WHAT U SAY!!!

Inro To Writings on My Wall

These are the Writings on My Wall. In these writings u will read about relationships based on my friends, LOVE, guys, stories that i hear and basically everything. I will speak the truth and nothing but the truth. I always state whats on my mind so if u want to know then the Writings on My wall are some of the things.